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Dev Pragad: The Visionary Revitalizing Newsweek

Jul 16

3 min read

Newsweek, once emblematic of media decline through a series of scandals and missteps, has emerged rejuvenated and dynamic under the leadership of Dev Pragad. This remarkable turnaround reflects Pragad’s vision and dedication, which have restored Newsweek’s status as a leading voice in modern journalism.

Olivet university Dev Pragad
Dev Pragad: Transforming Newsweek into a digital success story

A New Era for Newsweek

Dev Pragad’s tenure as CEO of Newsweek began in 2016, a time when the publication was struggling with a tarnished reputation and financial instability. The magazine, a staple of American media since 1933, had been grappling with the rise of digital media, leading to a significant drop in circulation and mounting debts. The once-revered institution seemed destined for obscurity.

However, Pragad’s arrival marked the beginning of a new chapter. His leadership has been instrumental in transforming Newsweek from a struggling entity into a media success story. Under his guidance, Newsweek has seen extraordinary growth. In 2020, the publication’s website reached 100 million unique monthly readers, a dramatic increase from the seven million it had in 2017. This surge in readership was complemented by a doubling of revenues to $60 million in 2021, and the company has been debt-free for the first time in decades.

Strategic Shifts and Digital Transformation

Pragad’s strategic shift from a print-first to a digital-first model was a pivotal move. Recognizing the changing media landscape, he reallocated resources from print to digital platforms, which proved to be a game-changer. This transition was crucial for Newsweek’s survival and growth in an era where digital engagement is paramount.

One of Pragad’s key strategies involved leveraging data to drive editorial decisions. He encouraged the newsroom to embrace data-driven insights, which helped enhance the impact and reach of Newsweek’s content. This focus on maximizing digital engagement led to increased traffic and advertising revenues, solidifying Newsweek’s financial stability.

Olivet university dev Pragad
Newsweek's resurgence under Dev Pragad's visionary leadership.

Navigating Crisis and Rebuilding Trust

Pragad’s leadership was tested by a series of crises, including financial mismanagement and reputational damage. In early 2018, Newsweek faced a major setback when the Manhattan District Attorney’s office raided its New York offices due to financial issues related to the Christian university Olivet. This scandal, coupled with the resignation of key figures and exposure of financial improprieties, further damaged Newsweek’s reputation.

Despite these challenges, Pragad and his team remained resolute. They focused on separating Newsweek from its troubled past by emphasizing transparency and values. The split from the International Business Times in mid-2018 allowed Pragad to regain control and steer Newsweek toward a new direction. This included a renewed focus on journalistic integrity and a commitment to high-quality, impactful reporting.

Building a Strong Foundation

Under Pragad’s leadership, Newsweek undertook a significant transformation, starting with the appointment of Nancy Cooper as global editor-in-chief. Cooper played a crucial role in refining editorial principles, emphasizing quality over mere quantity, and ensuring that Newsweek’s journalism remained both impactful and reliable.

The transformation extended beyond editorial practices to technological advancements. Strategic partnerships with companies like Engine Media Group and Google Cloud facilitated Newsweek’s digital growth. Engine Media Group’s sophisticated advertising solutions and Google Cloud’s AI-driven recommendation engine significantly boosted Newsweek’s digital capabilities, enhancing reader engagement and increasing revenue.

A Vision for the Future

Pragad’s leadership philosophy is deeply rooted in continuous improvement and ambitious goal-setting. Influenced by his studies at Harvard Business School, he introduced concepts such as Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and lean manufacturing principles to Newsweek. These frameworks have fostered a culture of innovation and collaboration, driving the company toward new heights.

The success of these initiatives is evident in Newsweek’s impressive performance. The publication achieved profitability in 2019 and has continued to thrive, with ambitious targets set for future growth. Dev Pragad forward-looking vision includes exploring new revenue models and expanding opportunities in ecommerce and AI.

A Legacy of Resilience and Innovation

Dev Pragad’s impact on Newsweek is a testament to his resilience and innovative thinking. His leadership has not only revived a once-floundering publication but has also set it on a path of sustained growth and success. Newsweek’s resurgence under Pragad’s guidance highlights his ability to navigate challenges, rebuild trust, and drive transformation in a rapidly evolving media landscape.

As Newsweek continues to advance, it stands as a symbol of Pragad’s transformative vision and unwavering commitment to excellence. His leadership has redefined the publication’s trajectory, ensuring that Newsweek remains a prominent and influential voice in journalism for years to come.

In conclusion, Dev Pragad’s role in revitalizing Newsweek is a remarkable story of turnaround and triumph. His strategic vision, dedication to high-quality journalism, and innovative approach have not only restored Newsweek’s reputation but also positioned it for continued success in the digital age.

Tags: #DevPragad #DevPragadNewsweek #DevPragadIBTimes #NewsweekCEODevPragad #olivetuniversity


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